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October 5, 2017

4 Ways to Turn Your Short-Term Apartment Into a Home

Are you going to be moving out of your home for any reason such as business travel, relocation, new job, or holidays? Once you start the search for a new apartment in a different city, you will likely need to stay in a short-term apartment. One of your best solutions is to rent a sublet in the area that you are going to be moving to.  

Though staying in a temporary or short-term apartment has become an ever more appealing option, it is important to have a place that feels like home, regardless of how long you are staying there. Doing so will make sure you feel your most comfortable and are able to thrive.

Now the question is how you can create the feel intimacy of your own home in your short term rental apartment. Here we have come up with some easy and inexpensive ideas to make things a bit more comfortable during the period of time you’re subletting.

Start With Scent

The quickest and cheapest way to transform your temporary apartment into a relaxing oasis and feel more at home is to recreate the scent of your old apartment. If you had a favorite candle or room spray in your last home, then by all means use it in your new temporary house.

If not, spend a little time in choosing a fragrance that you’re immediately drawn to when you sniff it. Scent is one of our five senses most closely linked to memory. So, when you move into your short-term apartment make sure to have your favorite home fragrance handy and use it to personalize your temporary accommodations.


Add Some Visual Flair

Using temporary wall arts in your sublet apartment is another amazing idea to bring life and personality to your new living space. With the introduction and expansion of the vinyl decal industry, there are now several options that allow aspiring home decorators to exercise their creativity. It doesn’t matter how temporary the home, a little decoration goes a long way.

Today, brands like Blick and Wallies offer reasonably-priced temporary wall art in the form of vinyl decals. So, you can follow this tip to start making your new temporary apartment feel like a home.

Exercise Your Green Thumb

We agree a little greenery can give life to a new space. However, you can’t always keep your grandmother’s plants with you.

But don’t worry! You can still beautify your short-term apartment rental with green plant-life. Cactus and succulent plants offer excellent alternatives to needier annuals and flowers. These plants will truly make your temporary apartment feel like home and are sturdy enough to survive the move when it finally arrives.  

The Personal Touches Matter

It’s a natural phenomenon that we all get comfort from our talismans. Whether it’s a set of framed photos, a favorite pillow, or even a specific color or motif that makes us smile and give us peace.

You should put your nostalgic items on display if they are physical objects. It will definitely give a personal touch to your new living space and make you feel all the more settled.

Follow these ideas if you’re renting a short-term apartment and you will enjoy a smoother relocation period. Short Term Rentals NYC is here to help you find the sublet apartment that suits your needs. Our inventory of temporary housing across New York City means you can find the rental that suits you perfectly, whether for 30 days or a few months.   

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